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Ka shaqayna Wanaajinta Shaqad Shaqaalaha badankooda Warshada Saint Paul waxay ka shaqeeyeen warashada oo waxay heleen mushahar saacadle ah. Shirkaddu waxay raadisay inay bixiso mushahar sareeya iyo xaalado shaqo oo la badbar dhigi karo shirkadaha…

“Waxaan doonaya inaan ka shaqeeyo 3M” Qaar badan oo shaqaalihii hore ee 3M, ay ka mid yihiin William L. McKnight iyo Archibald G. Bush, waxay lahaayeen tababar “ganacsi” ama tababar dugsi sare oo :”fanka makaanikada ah.” Markii William Viervering la…

Saint Paul Historical

Saint Paul Historical is a free mobile app that puts Saint Paul's history at your fingertips. Explore the people, places, and moments that have shaped the city's history. Click on any point on the interactive map to read historical narratives and to view images. Take curated historical tours of Saint Paul and share our stories and your experience using social media. This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota through the Minnesota Historical Society from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. This site is powered by Omeka + Curatescape, a humanities-centered web and mobile framework available for both Android and iOS devices.

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